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parenting tips and faith ideas; commentary on parenting science; perspectives on faith and culture

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Feast of the Ascension (Easter Season in Your Home)

Feast of the Ascension (Easter Season in Your Home)

The Feast of the Ascension is coming soon! In this article, I share some ideas for celebrating Ascension with your family: Eucharistic adoration, Rogation Days, crafts, food, FUN! Ascension Day provides a great opportunity to talk to our kids about how Jesus is still available to us even after his body ascended to heaven.

12 Days of Christmas Catholic Style!

12 Days of Christmas Catholic Style!

For Catholic Christians, Christmas doesn’t end on December 25! Christmas season lasts for 12 days in the Church, so we’re just getting started with our celebration! Here are some ideas for introducing some new traditions into your family’s Christmastide.

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